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SRI GuruPurnima on July 22nd Sat @ 5 PM in SATSANG Center
Sri Guru Purnima, previously announced on July 9th has been moved to July 22nd at 5 PM in SATSANG Center. Please NOTE and advise others. Plz plan to join us on 22nd: Bring with your Guruji's Picture and anty other memorable articles, you are blessed with ... and if U wish to share your memorable spiritual experience, plz contact Sudhir @ 603-661-7101 and / or nirusudhir22@yahoo.com

Date: 07/09/2017
Location: SATSANG Center One Pleasant Street
Time: 5 PM

Organized By: SATSANG Center

Cost: Voluntary Contribution

Food: Maha-Prasad

Contact: Sudhir 603-661-7101, CK - 781-272-4591, Uttam 781-270-1156, Devchand 781-937-3328

Web: www.satsangcenter.com
Email: satsangcenter1@yahoo.com

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