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Asian American Commission: 11th Annual Unity Dinner
Asian American Commission’s 11th Annual Unity Dinner Celebration

We will honor and recognize the award recipients in the following three award categories:

Community Hero Award - An individual or organization who/which has displayed selfless commitment to the issues and events affecting AAPIs, and who/which has contributed efforts towards the betterment of AAPIs without self-promotion or fanfare. – Boa Newgate and The Southeast Asian Coalition

Leadership for Inclusion & Diversity Award - An individual or organization who/which has displayed pioneering efforts in promoting and celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islanders (AAPIs) through workforce development, mentoring, and collaborations. – Eastern Bank

Lifetime Achievement Award – Presented to an individual or organization who/which has displayed longstanding and exemplary dedication to supporting the AAPI community. – Mary Chin, Asian American Civil Association

Date: 05/26/2017
Location: Boston University, Metcalf Hall at George Sherman Union, 775 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA
Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: $100 - $120

Web: http://www.aacommission.org/unity-dinner/

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