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The Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude is a hot topic at Thanksgiving, for it’s the one holiday that actually originated from gratitude. But what is gratitude? Can I create an “attitude of gratitude” and will this really help me? What do I do when I am not feeling grateful? Explore these questions and learn techniques to help you make an attitude shift into gratitude. Celebrate this special family holiday with a clear and honest feeling of thanks.

Date: 11/20/2016
Location: Inner Space Meditation Center and Galery
Time: 5pm - 6:15pm

Cost: Free

Contact: Inner Space

Web: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/let-go-learn-to-flow-and-become-free-tickets-28786061886
Email: info@innerspaceharvardsq.org
Directions: 1110 Mass Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138

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