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Breathe, Meditate & Be Happy!
Experience being centered through the power of your own breath. What will I get out of this: Trained and experienced instructors will talk about the powerful connection between your breath and emotions. How to use breath to be centered, more in control of your mind and find lasting peace and joy. Content: * We will do some breathing exercises to calm mind and find more energy. * There will be a guided meditation. * Introduction to the Art of Living Happiness program. In this free workshop you will get experience of yoga based breathing and meditation tools that have benefitted over 370 million people worldwide.

Date: 11/19/2016
Location: United First Parish Church (Unitarian Universalist) 1306 Hancock St, Quincy, Massachusetts 02169
Time: 11 AM

Cost: Free

Contact: Latika - 339-224-2787

Web: https://www.facebook.com/events/648427661985932/
Email: latika.menon@artofliving.org

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