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Yoga Therapy for Diabetes Workshop
RESIDENTIAL Program Includes Lodging and Boarding
YOGA for DIABETES Workshop - Will cover svyasa.org 's STOP Diabetes Movement Program, also some Personal Experiments & Experiences where how Life style changes MAY Help U Better Manage, prevent future complications and even Reverse Diabetes. Will Also cover Su Jok Approach & Baba Ramdev Approach... 20+ Hours of Training

What is Stop Diabetes Movement (SDM)?
 A 20 hour yoga workshop designed by S-Vyasa YOGA University based up on 30 years of research (www.sVYASA.org)
 GOAL of Workshop is DIABETES Prevention and Management  The Workshop is delivered under the Supervision of Trained YOGA Therapists and YOGA Teachers …..
 The workshop is for people who are above 18 years of age, pre-diabetics or have Type 2 diabetes with A1C below 9, Gestational Diabetes during Pregnancy , Medium–>High Risk

Date: 11/04/2016
Location: Nataraja Yoga Center, Laxmi Niwas, 169 Daniel Plummer Road GOFFSTOWN NH 03045
Time: 8:00 pm

Organized By: NATARAJA YOGA Center

Cost: $150/-

Food: Vegetarian

Contact: Pankajben : 781-334-2968 Chandrakantbhai 781-272-4591 Hansaben : 617-965-9618 Harshalbhai : 781-274-8786 SudhirParikh : 603-623-1930 nirusudhir22@yahoo.com nirusudhir22@ yahoo.com

Web: sudhirparikh.blogspot.com
Email: nirusudhir22@yahoo.com
Directions: GPS or Call or e-mail

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