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Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Workshop
In the Sahaj Samadhi Meditation Course, you will learn an effortless technique of meditation that allows the conscious mind to experience the silent depths of its own nature. Sahaj, in Sanskrit, means effortless and Samadhi is the silent, lively state of awareness that lies at the source of thought. Samadhi is a natural state beyond waking, sleeping and dreaming that is an unlimited reservoir of energy, intelligence and creative power and a place of infinite peace and tranquility. The practice of Sahaj Samadhi brings all of these qualities into our daily experience, resulting in increased energy, clarity, and most importantly, deep inner peace. Sahaj Samadhi is natural and effortless. It can be learned by anyone, and does not require concentration or mental effort. The benefits are immediate, tangible, and cumulative, and the practice itself is relaxing and enjoyable. This meditation can be done anywhere: on a plane, in a waiting room, at the office – any place you can sit with your eyes closed you can experience the silence of Samadhi.

Date: 11/15/2015
Location: Academy of Creative Arts, 217 Middlesex Turnpike, Burlington, Massachusetts, United States, 01803
Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Cost: $395

Contact: Latika: 339-224-2787

Web: http://www.artofliving.org/us-en/program/136954
Email: latika.menon@artofliving.org

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