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Hindi Play - Sach Aur Sach Ke Siva
Leherein is showcasing a Hindi play 'Sach Aur Sach Ke Siva' for its 2015 fundraising efforts.

New England Leherein started in 2001, became a fully-fledged IRS registered non-profit organization in 2007, with a mission to make a difference in the lives of disadvantaged children. The mission was not only to establish a place to provide basic necessities to the needy children, but to enhance their lives by giving them good education as well.

Leherein's vision has finally taken shape in the form of Abhaalmaya, a loving home through collaboration with a well-known nonprofit organization in Pune called Investment in Mankind (IIM Trust). Abhaalmaya now has 10 children who are provided everything they need to succeed in life. Leherein ensures that 100% of all the proceeds are dedicated towards their loving home, Abhaalmaya!

Please support the fundraiser while enjoying this thrilling drama (the Marathi version was a big hit).

Date: 09/19/2015
Location: Regis College, Weston, MA
Time: 3:00 pm

Organized By: Leherein

Web: http://www.ournel.org/index.htm
Email: youmel@gmail.com

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