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Lord Krishna
We would like to invite our friends and neighbors to the annual “Janmashtami” celebration on Friday Aug 15th from 6:00-9:30 pm at 7,Jackson Street Malden MA. Janmashtami commemorates the earthly appearance of Krishna, who is described in India’s sacred writings as God Himself. One of the biggest religious festivals in the world, it is celebrated by nine hundred and thirty million people around the world--and two million in the US alone. To devotees, it’s Christmas and New Year’s in one, a day of deep spiritual renewal and celebration that effectively finishes an old year and begins a fresh one.

Date: 08/30/2015
Location: 7 Jackson Street MA 02148-5519
Time: 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Organized By: Malden Bhakta Vrinda

Cost: Free

Food: Vegetarian

Contact: 781-366-8533 OR 781-308-3740

Email: malden.bv@gmail.com
Directions: 2 to 3 minutes Walk-able Distance from Malden MBTA Station

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