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Vision Aid Fundraiser
Vision Aid presents The Dancer's Pledge - A dance ballet.

Following in the footsteps of the dazzlingly brilliant, sold-out dance productions Ramayana, Krishna, Justice of the Anklet, Nine Pathways to Devotion, and the Slaying of the Demons, we are delighted to present The Dancer's Pledge, a dance drama based on the famous novel 'Sivagamiyan Sabadam'.This epic Indian tale is set in the Pallava period and is one of the greatest tributes to the art of Bharatanatyam, sculpture and painting in Indian literature.

This event is SOLD OUT with a long wait list. Vision-Aid thanks the community for your overwhelming support.

Date: 07/27/2014
Location: Merrimack College, Andover, MA
Time: 3:00 pm

Contact: 781.333.5252

Web: http://visionaid.org/index.php/en/event
Email: info@visionaid.org

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