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Hindu Clergy At US Airports & Hospitals

Kumu Gupta

Hindu Clergy at US Airports & Hospitals


It recently came to my attention that there was an effort launched in 2015 to have a Hindu Priest  join the interfaith group of Clergy from other religions at the interfaith Alley in N.Y.'s  Terminal 4 JFK Airport and have a small  temple there too. And this effort was renewed this week again. Wow, I didn't even know of this Alley over the years of taking overseas flights from JFK Airport.


I commend the Hindu and Indian American community for keeping up the effort of being a visible, integral and important fabric of America and keeping our traditions alive for the next generation.


As former member of Mayor's Annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast Steering Committee (5yrs),  I was able to get a Hindu priest join the Interfaith Clergy group of Quincy Medical Center (Hospital) which unfortunately closed right after due to funding issues. 


Having one's Faith's presence at your time of need at a hospital or to get blessings for a safe travel is irreplaceable and I urge all community members across America to work with their Airports & Hospitals,  to join other religions already there,  for Hindu services. Some of these clergy can get a small stipend too from funds already available.


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