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Ragi And Milk Porridge

Madhumati Tyagi

Ragi And Milk Porridge
by Madhumati Tyagi

Ragi (Finger millet) porridge is also known as Ragi Java or Ragi Malt. Ragi is gaining popularity in the recent times because it is a super/miracle food for people of all ages from infants to elderly people considering its richness in calcium, iron, soluble fiber & vitamin D. It is one of the healthiest foods to include in your regular diet.


Ragi porridge is a healthy dish generally made with finger millet flour, water and Jaggery to get instant energy in the morning. Soaked and ground Ragi seeds or Ragi flour are also used to make Ragi Recipes like Ragi Idli, Ragi Dosa, Ragi Roti, and Ragi Mudde.



Text Box:  Ingredients:

·      2 tbsp Ragi flour

·      1 cup milk/water

·      1 tbsp crushed almonds

·      2 tsp cardamom powder

·      ½ tbsp honey/Jaggery (you can also 

     make a spicy porridge)






·      In a pan, warm the milk/water on medium flame.

·      Lower the temperature and add the Ragi flour, cardamom powder along with crushed almonds, stirring constantly to avoid lumps.

·      Switch off the stove and set it aside.

·      Add honey/Jaggery/Spices as per required taste.

·      Consume the Ragi and milk porridge or other Ragi dishes for breakfast, to pacify IBS and soothe the tummy.


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