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Poem: Silent Tears


Silent Tears__________


One by one incessantly

My silent tears falling down

Like little drops of rain

On my chubby cheeks


For years, I am living on

With grief right by my side

I see no way around me

To stop this from happening


I feel like screaming out loudly

To tell the world and my God

About the pain I am suffering

But, I hold it all inside me


Earthly world and others think

I have gotten control of this grief

But they never ever surely realize

That there is no relief for my pain


Tears are always falling down

My heart is constantly aching

A different life I am living with

Filled merely with emptiness


For me rain and tears are the same

But, with others I play the game

When I cry in the merry time

I pretend it is nothing but the rain


How many times, the tall white walls

Around me have seen and witnessed

Salty tears coming from my black eyes

For in my heart, there will never be a smile


I wear this mask so tightly and

Tears have become a part of me

And the grief just holds me captive

I will never ever be free again


I look at your sweet picture and

Immerse into the past time

Only to cherish old memories and

Shed tears for losing you for ever






Losing someone who is so dear to us is one of the most painful experiences we will ever have to endure. We may experience waves of intense and very difficult emotions, ranging from profound sadness, emptiness, and despair to shock, numbness, guilt, or regret. This poem describes the intense longing and yearning for our deceased loved one.

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