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Health And Care For South Asians

Press Release

Health and Care for South Asians

Chinmaya Mission Boston is happy to present the “Health and Care for South Asians” event this month. All are welcome to attend this event to learn about certain aspects of health and help available in our community.

We will understand the scope of care provided by Indian Circle for Caring USA Inc., (ICC)and hear about the treatment and prevention of diseases from the experts in the field:

-      ICC is a volunteer non-profit organization that focuses on providing urgent or emergency support to our fellow community members and their families as they may encounter unplanned events such as serious sickness, hospitalization, accidents, family crisis, and bereavement of a loved one.

-      This will be followed by two talks on diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. A large Indian population suffers from diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. About 17% of the Indian population is diagnosed as being diabetic, another 15% as pre-diabetic and the disease is on the rise. 

-      Similarly, there has been an alarming increase over the past two decades in the prevalence of cardiovascular heart disease and cardiovascular mortality in India and other south Asian countries. The risk for these diseases is largely influenced by modifiable factors such as diet and activity levels, and non-modifiable factors such as ethnicity and age.

This event is largely geared towards South Asians. Please see details provided in the flyer; the event has free admission and is open to ALL.


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