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Holi And Diwali Weather Forecast's, A New Tradition On WBZ CBS Boston

Kumu Gupta

Holi and Diwali Weather Forecast's, a New tradition on WBZ CBS Boston

In an unprecedented move, on request by MA resident and Global Peace Secretariat Secretary General Kumu Gupta, long time WBZ CBS Boston Weather Watcher, WBZ TV will be doing Diwali and Holi Festival' s weather forecasts from now.

A Diwali forecast, 1st in US history, was done in 2023 and a  Holi, Festival of Colors Forecast is slated for March 23-24 2024 weekend as part of beginning of Spring season in Massachusetts and America.

Unknown to Miss Gupta at the time of the initial Diwali request, was the fact that WBZ Meteorologist Jacob Wycoff who graciously agreed to add a special Diwali touch to his forecast on Diwali Day, is married to an Indian American and wanted his children to celebrate and know about their culture.

"What an amazing blessing for the New England Indian American community that we get to be first in the country to celebrate our Festivals from now on , Thanks to Jacob !."..... Secretary General Global Peace Secretariat Kumu Gupta. Miss Gupta presented Jacob with Global Peace Secretariat's 1st Special Citation of Recognition for spreading global harmony for the Diwali forecast, a Festival celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists and Jains world wide.

"With V.P. Kamala Harris being 1st ever Indian American to hold this  office in the White House, it's a tradition whose time has come...said Miss Gupta.

Kumu has requested that both the Diwali and Holi forecast's be repeated in the afternoon and evening too, so more people can watch , but it's not guaranteed.

Please tune into WBZ TV CBS Boston on March 23rd & 24th two  morning weather forecast's between 5-9 am for a special treat.

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