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Poem: Bharatiya Festivals


Bharatiya Festivals_______________


My Bharat lovely Bharat

Colorful Bharat vibrant Bharat

Rich Bharat diverse Bharat

Embracing Bharat amiable Bharat

Filled with love and harmony

And the seasonal festivals around

Every full and new moon day

Bind us together with the nature

Like numerous petals to a flower


With holiness and new hopes

Our grand celebrations start

Every New Samvastara arrives

With the long list of festivals

They every time make us all awaited

We celebrate them with devotion

On their Tithis and Nakshatras

Festivals bring cheerfulness

And royal feasts to enjoy much


We get a beam of sheer delight

When a wonderful festival comes

Our hearts of gold leap in the waves

Those seasons bring again to us

We enjoy the familiar fragrances

Of flowers and of joyous emotions

On the eve, and all through each festival

Spirituality and good values awaken

Slowly from the closed vaults in the heart


Blessed resurrections always chase away

All the doubts and worries fall away
Hopes handle problems and darkness

Holy days reunite us people together

In which there is only unity no enmity

It is all about sharing and helping others

Eliminating the darkness and ignorance

Bringing light in the lives of others and

Letting the river of love flow everywhere



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