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Global Peace Secretariat Marks IOC Olympic Day With The Chickadees Women's Cricket Team

Kumu Gupta

Global Peace Secretariat marks IOC Olympic Day with The  Chickadees Women's Cricket Team


Global Peace Secretariat partnered with MA based women's cricket team The Chickadees to mark International Olympic Committee (IOC ) Olympic Day in collaboration with W.H.O on June 23rd in global celebration of Title IX Law (1972) which protects people from discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive U.S. federal financial assistance, greatly benefiting the sports community.


Combining last year's theme's of Peace and 2023 'Let's Move ' for healthy living, The Chickadees under Captain Meera Subramaniam dedicated their weekly practice session to Olympic Day in support of global peace and healthy living via sports. The Chickadees is the first and the only women’s leather ball cricket team in the state of Massachusetts. 


"As former IOC Olympic Day Chair (Quincy- MA USA) and honored to have attended the inaugural International Day of Yoga at the UN with UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, it's incredible to see women playing cricket at local, state and national levels in America and supporting global peace through sports. Olympic Games are a singular force for universal peace bringing global communities together in solidarity"..... Secretary General Kumu Gupta.


Cricket in USA goes back to 1709 but lost its popularity to baseball. Today cricket is back in a big way , with having it's own Major League status and vying for a spot in L.A. Olympics 2028.


* Miss Kumu Gupta Secretary General,  Founder Global Peace Secretariat & 2023 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee was member of President's Challenge Program of President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition under President Obama. Miss Gupta is recipient of President's Council Community Leadership Award from President's Council on  Fitness, Sports & Nutrition.


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