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Global Peace Secretariat Welcomes Miss USA MA As Spokesperson

Press Release

Global Peace Secretariat welcomes Miss USA MA as Spokesperson

Global Peace Secretariat welcomes 2023 Miss USA Massachusetts Annika Sharma, 1st Indian American to win this title, as Spokesperson to spread message of global peace and is working on a video message soon to be released via globalpeacesecretariat.com . 
A New Jersey native attending Boston College, Annika Sharma is the first Miss Teen USA 2020 contestant to win a Miss USA state title. She is pursuing her Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Marketing, and Philosophy at Boston College and will be beginning her career as a Wealth Management Analyst at Bank of America upon graduating. Annika is both a Dean's List student and a recipient of the AHANA scholars prize, celebrating diverse students at BC.

Secretary General Kumu Gupta commented, "it's great to see diversity in our local pageant and have Miss USA MA Annika give voice to global peace."   

Miss Massachusetts goes on to compete in Miss USA whose winner then competes for the Miss Universe crown.

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