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Seva Mandaara Initiative

Press Release

NEKK is  introducing  workshops this year, first, with an exam preparation workshop for Microsoft Security, Compliance, and Identity Fundamentals (SC-900: https://aka.ms/sc-900) certification.

As you already may know, awareness of security/compliance is vital for everyone, irrespective of the role. This workshop allows you to internalize the security foundations better as it covers the following technical aspects:

·                      Concepts of security, compliance, and identity (10-15%)

·                      Capabilities of Microsoft identity and access management solutions (30-35%)

·                      Capabilities of Microsoft security solutions (35-40%)

·                      Capabilities of Microsoft compliance solutions (25-30%)


In addition, you will be in a better position to prepare and take the SC-900 exam at the end of this training session. So, register at https://aka.ms/SM-SC900-Workshop to attend this workshop remotely on:

November 12, 2021: 7 pm to 9 pm

November 13, 2021: 9 am to 5 pm

Open Office Hours: November 18, 2021: 7 pm to 9 pm
(Come and ask any follow-up questions)
FAQs: https://aka.ms/SM-SC900-Workshop-FAQs


As always, the Microsoft Solution Architects with deep technical experience and knowledge in this field will deliver the content.

We trust you take advantage of this opportunity that we are bringing to you to complete the SC-900 certification. Please share this information with others who may benefit from it.

For more details, refer to the FAQs at https://aka.ms/SM-SC900-Workshop-FAQs.

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