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AIF Partners With CNN News18 And Apollo Hospitals In Healers Of India Campaign


NDTV covered a conference on Public Private People Partnership where AIF country Director Nishant Pandey presented Rickshaw Sangh as a successful example of a win-win collaboration keeping people (in this case, rickshaw pullers) at the center of the partnership. The audience comprised of corporate sector, government and opinion leaders.

AIF became the technical partner in the Healers of India campaign, an initiative of CNN News18 and Apollo Hospitals. CNN News18 featured both the MANSI programme in the field as a documentary as well as a panel discussion on 'breathing life in rural healthcare'.
The NDTV panel discussion on Rickshaw Sangh is at this link: https://vimeo.com/200703066


The Healers of India panel discussion is at this link: https://vimeo.com/200648229


And the MANSI program documentary is at this link: https://vimeo.com/200707192

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