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Fireside Chat with Author Gurcharan Das
A Fireside Chat with Author Gurcharan Das on his new book "India Grows at Night: A Liberal Case for a Strong State"
But it will all come down to governance, argues Gurcharan Das, the former CEO of Procter & Gamble India, whose latest book is ``India Grows At Night: A Liberal Case for a Strong State.’’ ``The aspirational India has no one to vote for because no one is talking the language of public goods… Why should it take us 15 years to get justice in the courts or 12 years to build a road? The gap between [youth] aspirations and government performance is huge. My thesis is that India has risen despite the state. It is a story of public failure and private success.’’ - Tom Friedman, The New York Times

Date: 05/30/2013
Location: BU School of Law Barrister’s Hall on ground floor 765 Commonwealth Ave Boston, MA 02215
Time: 6.30 pm

Organized By: American India Foundation and BU India Initiative

Cost: Registration required

Food: Light Refreshments

Web: https://donate.aif.org/gurcharandasnewengland2013
Email: nirmala.garimella@aif.org
Directions: http://www.bu.edu/maps/?id=239

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