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Tantric India Bistro Presents an evening with Somen & Lopa (POSTPONED)
Tantric India Bistro Presents an evening with Somen & Lopa
to celebrate the festival of colors - Bollywood Style

An evening full of great fun, music and food. Enjoy the urban ambiance of Downtown Boston with melodies that will leaving you humming your favorite Bollywood tunes from the past and present.

Event starts at 10:00 PM and end at 1:00 AM
Must be 21+ of age
Reservations required (with details of how) with ticket pre-pay of $38 per person
Event includes dinner buffet (until 11:30 pm)
Cash bar
Parking recommended at The Revere, intersection of Charles and Stuart. Parking ticket stamped for discount. Additional parking includes limited street parking, at Transportation Building and Boston Common (entrances from Charles Street)

Date: 03/23/2013
Location: Tantric, 123 Stuart Street, Boston, MA
Time: 10:00 pm - 1:00 am

Cost: $38

Email: somen.saha@gmail.com

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