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Essence of Spirituality / Swami Mukundananda
Enlightening Talks in English, Yoga & Meditation

Swami Mukundananda is a world-­renowned teacher of Spirituality, Yoga, and Meditation. He received his degrees in Engineering and Management from two world famous Institutes in India, IIT and IIM. Swamiji is the senior disciple of Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, and the founder of JKYog. He has inspired people all over the world, on the path of spirituality, holistic health, yoga, meditation, service to society, and God-­realization. He has been invited to speak at various Fortune 500 companies like Google, Oracle, etc. For the youth, Swamiji has conducted programs at prestigious universities such as Princeton, Stanford, Kellogg, MIT, and Duke University. For the children, he has established a special personality development program, called “Bal-­Mukund Character Building Program.”

Swamiji’s enlightening discourses clarify the deepest concepts of the Vedic scriptures, with wit, humor, and perfect logic. Alongside with the discourses, in the Wellness for Life camps, he teaches the comprehensive system “Yoga for the Body, Mind and Soul.”

Date: 06/24/2012
Location: Braj Mandir, 711 S. Franklin Street, Holbrook, MA 02343
Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Contact: 508-­281-­0218 or 617-320-­7793

Web: www.jkyog.org/2012
Email: info@jkyog.org

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