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Jal Neti and Sutra Neti Classes: Yogic Cleansing
Jal Neti, or Yoga for your Nose as we call it, uses a neti pot to cleanse the nasal passage. This has a tremendously positive effect on our breathing and concentration. It helps manage a number of medical concerns, including: allergies, sinus issues and some types of migraines.

Sutra Neti (using a thread or rubber catheter) takes you much deeper into the practice and also benefits the eyes. Our experience is that It has powerful effects on cleansing all of the chakras, most notably ajna, vishhuddhi, swadhisthana and mooladhara chakras. For sutra neti it is required that you have been practicing jal neti regularly. We'll review the different types of sutras to match you with the one best suited for your practice.

Jal and Sutra neti are exceptional practices for building clarity and removing excess mucus and all that gets 'stuck' there.

Date: 06/09/2012
Web: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?formkey=dGtGVy1hZkotUGpsVnBXRmtlLXNlVFE6MQ#gid=0

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