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Legacy of Wisdom Conference
The Legacy of Wisdom conference is dedicated to making wisdom a central theme of life and aging. The event will include a panel of inspiring teachers, with lunch and workshops such as “The Wisdom of Listening”,”Centering Wisdom of the Body”, and “Wisdom in Financial Planning”. A cast of international, renowned speakers make this conference a rare and unique opportunity that attendees are sure to remember.

As an example, Peggy Cappy – Creator of the popular “Yoga for the Rest of Us” television series, will be a workshop leader.

SPECIAL NOTE: Ken Zuckerman (sarod) will be joined in concert by Homayun Sakhi (rubâb) and Salar Nader (tabla) on SATURDAY MARCH 10, 2012 – as part of the Brandeis University program MusicUnitesUS.

Jay Goldfarb, project Director
Legacy of Wisdom Co-Founders and Advisory group: Dr. Sarita Bhalotra, Ram Dass, Roshi Joan Halifax, Mickey Lemle, Dr Rick Moody, Dr. Rodolfo Musco, Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Dr. Deborah Goleman Wolf

Date: 03/11/2012
Location: Brandeis University, MA
Time: 9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Cost: Conference cost (with lunch): Regular $108; Student $25

Web: http://www.legacyofwisdom.org/
Email: events@legacyofwisdom.org

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