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Durga Puja - PRABASI
RABASI (the oldest Bengali organization in Boston) is celebrating Durga Puja, on Oct. 1 & 2, 2011, at the Needham High School, 609 Webster Street, Needham, MA.
PRABASI is also hosting Jeffrey Iqbal (A.R. Rahman Talent Hunt winner and SA Re Ga Ma Pa artist) on Oct 1, Saturday, from 8:00 - 10:30 pm - also at the Needham High School, 609 Webster Street, Needham, MA. Tickets are $25.00. Please come & enjoy the gala events. For more information, please go to www.prabasione.org or call Susmita Ghosh at 617-559-0272 (President)

Date: 10/01/2011
Location: Needham High School, 609 Webster Street, Needham, MA
Organized By: PRABASI

Contact: Susmita Ghosh at 617-559-0272

Web: www.prabasione.org

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1.ufsbxczTmrxxUPJoHfq -1/0-/2011Kassie 
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