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Navarasa Dance Theater: Encounter
At Brandeis University Slosberg Recital Hall (free parking!) Saturday, October 29, 8:00 p.m. MusicUnitesUS presents: Navarasa Dance Theater: Encounter Preconcert Talk at 7:00 p.m. http://www.navarasa.org/ ENCOUNTER explores different encounters- encounter with the Divine, encounter with Self, encounter with Bob Marley, encounter with Love, and encounter with the Military. The first encounters are explored through dance. Each piece has a unique feel to it ranging from contemporary, modern to classical and folk. The encounter with the Military is based on a story about an indigenous woman, Dopdi, inspired by Magsaysay award winning writer Mahasweta Devi’s story and adapted for the stage by S M Raju and Aparna Sindhoor. ENCOUNTER explores imageries from the history and the world around whether it is the Native American history or indigenous peoples history elsewhere or a modern day occurrence in Iraq or Afghanistan or Rwanda. Dr. Mohan Agashe (veteran Indian actor) says, “[Encounter] is a powerful piece. It is gorgeously staged. The dances are beautiful, and the impact of the show makes one think about it for a long time.” This concert concludes Navaras’s residency, part of the MusicUnitesUS Intercultural Residency Series at Brandeis University. We invite you to join us in open classes, discussions, concerts, and workshops throughout the week. Residency events: http://musicunitesus.info/schedule-fall2011.html

Date: 10/29/2011
Location: Brandeis University Slosberg Recital Hall 415 South St. Waltham, mA
Time: 8:00

Organized By: MusicUnitesUS presents: Navarasa Dance Theater: Encounter

Cost: For World Music Concert: BRANDEIS TICKETS: go.brandeis.edu/brandeistickets 781-736-3400 Tickets are $20 for the general public, $15 for Senior Citizens and the Brandeis Community, and $5 for students.

Food: post concert reception

Contact: eissenbe@brandeis.edu

Web: http://musicunitesus.info/world.html
Email: http://www.brandeis.edu/arts/concerts/tickets.html
Directions: http://www.brandeis.edu/arts/concerts/location.html

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