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Parenting Lessons from Vedanta, lecture by Swami Prakashananda
Parenting is difficult - it has infinite challenges, can be tiring, and the "rewards" can be far out in the future. One might even find themselves asking "Am I winning the battle but losing the war?" If this sounds familiar, then come to Swami Prakashananda's talk on "Parenting Lessons from Vedanta". Based on Guruji Swami Tejomayananda’s book "Parenting" and Swami Prakashananda's own insights, parents can expect to get several tips on how to undertake this valuable endeavor and keep the right perspective. The talk is free but the value is priceless!

Date: 09/18/2011
Location: Chinmaya Mission Boston, 1 Union Street, Andover, MA 01810
Time: 9:30 am

Organized By: Chinmaya Mission Boston

Cost: Free

Contact: Suresh Sundaram

Web: http://www.chinmaya-boston.com/node/185
Email: spiritualcmb@gmail.com

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