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Dawat 2011
India Association of New Hampshire and Udavum Karangal join hands to host a fun filled evening of music, dance, auction and food.
*** Cash bar for drinks ***
*** Children’s Area ***
(Semi-formal attire)

Proceeds from this program will enable IANH to continue helping our community in the USA and assist Udavum Karangal in building a Hospital to care for thousands of needy patients in India.

For Sponsorship details and Ticket purchase, contact:
Rajany Akhil at rakhil.ianh@gmail.com or 603.682.0745, Neelesh Shah at neeleshshah@gmail.com or 603-966-8975

For more information including tax deductible charitable contributions, please visit www.IANH.ORG or www.udavumkarangal.org

Date: 04/30/2011
Location: Alpine Grove , 19 S Depot Rd. Rt. 111A, Hollis, NH
Time: 6:00 pm

Cost: Ticket:
$40 per person
$20 Children 2-12 years Early Bird: (by April 7, 2011) 10% Off. Take additional 10% off when you buy 10 or more tickets.

Contact: Rajany Akhil at rakhil.ianh@gmail.com Neelesh Shah at neeleshshah@gmail.com 603-966-8975 or 603-682-0745

Web: www.ianh.org
Email: neeleshshah@gmail.com
Directions: Rt 3 North, Exit 5W, Drive about 5 miles.

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