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RESIDENTIAL YOGA TRAINING Camp: VYASA YOGA - PROMOTION OF POSITIVE HEALTH in affiliation with SVYASA YOGA University, Bangalore Oct 29th Fri 8 pm to 31st Sun 5 pm Laxmi Niwas 169 Daniel Plummer Road GOFFSTOWN NH 03045 Open to all participants - beginners or advance, & regardless of age. Contribution - $125/- per Session 2. Teacher's Training (YIC) is also offered. Plz inquire for the details. Certificate from SVYASA YOGA University (Bangalore) is awarded upon successful completion. Those of U, who have attended one of the past PPH Programs will receive some financial credit. INTERESTED ??? Plz contact us Sudhir 603-623-1930 or 603-661-7101 (cell) nirusudhir22@yahoo.com, http://sudhirparikh.blogspot.com, Please indicate your preferences: For which Program – PPH Session or Teacher Training (YIC). ************************************** I 25 Hours Training Includes: 1. 26 Asanas – Postures to relax body, 2. Structured Pranayam – to energize the Energy body and slow down the breathing for Healthy Longevity, 3. OM Meditation for Peaceful Mind & Cyclic Meditation for Stress Management 4. Kriyas (Cleansing Procedures) such as: A. Neti for Nasal Allergy & Respiratory Problems, B. Trataka (Eyes) to improve eye sight & Concentration, C. Vaman Dhauti for Digestive Disorders namely Acidity, D. Shankha Prakhshalan (Basti) to cleanse our whole tract for host of problems. 5. Related Yoga Theories – Four Streams of YOGA for appreciation & proper understanding of YOGA system. 6. Material includes Written Instructions, Book, Audio & Video CDs. 7. Weight Management, Anger Management, If time permits / (25 Hours – Credited Towards 100 Hours YIC - YOGA Instructor's Certification) II. Trainers Niru & Sudhir Parikh: We have 11 Teachers Certified by www.sVyasa.org with this program. Teaching YOGA since 1990. Have experience in different YOGA Schools such as Baba Ramdev, www.svyasa.org, Shivananda, Brahmananda, Vinyasa, SSY – Siddh Samadhi YOGA, AOL – Art of Living, Pranic Healing, .... http://sudhirparikh.blogspot.com/search/label/YOGA Nataraja YOGA Center is a Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt Organization

Date: 10/29/2010
Location: SUDHIR PARIKH 169 Daniel Plummer Road GOFFSTOWN NH 03045
Time: Oct 29th 8 PM to 31st 5 PM

Organized By: NATARAJA YOGA Center

Cost: $125/-

Food: Vegeterain Meals

Contact: Sudhir Parikh 603-623-1930 / 603-661-7101

Web: http://sudhirparikh.blogspot.com
Email: nirusudhir22@yahoo.com
Directions: 93 North, After Ex. 5 in NH, follow 293 N to 101 West to 114 North @ 1st Traffic Light, take right @ 4th Traffic light on to St.. Anslem Dr., right at 1st Intersection onto Daniel Plummer Road, Sixth House on Left .... Coming from 18/95, take 3 North, follow EVERETT Pike after Nashua, Go thru Main Toll plaze (After Ex. 12), right at second exit on to 101 West ... then follow the REST onto 114 North .....

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