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Book reading Event and Talk on
Description of Talk: Why should we be good? What exactly is dharma? With flair, wit and effortless erudition that have made him a bestselling author around the world, Gurcharan Das talks about his own personal search for a more meaningful life. On this journey, he turns to the epic, Mahabharata, and sheds light on the central problem of how to live our lives in an examined way and reclaim a meaningful ideal of civic virtue. Author biography: Gurcharan Das is the author of the much-acclaimed India Unbound, which has been translated into many languages and filmed by the BBC. He writes a regular column for six Indian newspapers, and occasionally for Newsweek, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Foreign Affairs. His other books include the novel A Fine Family; a book of essays, The Elephant Paradigm; and an anthology, Three English Plays. . Gurcharan Das graduated with honors from Harvard University in philosophy and later attended Harvard Business School, where he is featured in three case studies. He was CEO of Procter & Gamble India and later Managing Director, Procter & Gamble Worldwide (Strategic Planning) before he took early retirement to become a full time writer.

Date: 10/06/2010
Location: MIT
Time: 6.00 pm - 9.00 pm

Organized By: TiE Boston and American India Foundation

Cost: $10

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