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An Evening with Hari Prasad Chaurasia
Pandit Hariprasad Chaurasia, the internationally renowned exponent of the bansuri or bamboo flute, has become one of India’s most-respected classical musicians. He has earned several awards, including the National Award of the Sangeet Natak Academy, which he won in 1984. In 1992, he was awarded the Padma Bhushan and the Konarak Samman and in 1994, he was bestowed the Yash Bharati Sanman. He has collaborated with several western musicians, including John McLaughlin and Jan Gabarek, and has also composed music for a number of Indian films. He has performed throughout the world winning acclaim from varied audiences and fellow musicians including Yehudi Menuhin and Jean Pierre Rampal.

Date: 09/18/2010
Time: 5:00 pm

Cost: Tickets for $30,$50,$70,$100

Contact: events@aidboston.org.

Web: http://aidboston.org/events/HariprasadChaurasia2010/
Email: events@aidboston.org.

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