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Saheli Fundraiser
Turn the lights on and join us for this special inaugural event to benefit Saheli, a womens' organization supporting South Asian families for fifteen years.

With great food, cash bar, a silent auction, and dancing to Bollywood, Latin, and Ballroom music provided by DJ Yogz, it will be an evening to remember.

A sampling of auction items includes; round-trip ticket on Kingfisher Airlines from London-India-London, vacation getaway, one night stay at the Taj Boston, Sula wine gift basket, authentic Indian jewelry, and much more.

7:00 pm: Registration
7:00-8:00 pm. Silent Auction. A full list of auction item will be available for preview before the event.
7:30 pm: Welcome
8:00 pm: Pledge Drive
8:45 pm: Dinner
8:45 -11 pm: Dance Performance, Open Floor Dance to Music by DJ Yogz

Date: 10/15/2010
Location: The Westin
70 3rd Avenue
Waltham, MA 02451
Time: 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Cost: $45

Contact: 781.749.9281 / 339.234.0738

Web: http://events.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e2zakz01a1888b4b&oseq=a0159gbcynn5q
Email: drmanjusheth@gmail.com,niru.bhatia@verizon.net

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