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An Opportunity to Shape Polio Free
Dear Sirs The Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) is spearheaded by national governments, WHO,Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and UNICEF.Since 1988 (the year the GPEI was launched), the incidence of polio has been reduced by more than 99%. Rotary International, partnering with WHO, UNICEF and many Governments had embarked on a very ambitious Health Care Project -To Eradicate The Dreaded Virus called Polio-which crippled thousands and millions of children of the world for many centuries .In 1988, more than 350,000 children were paralyzed each year in more than 125 endemic countries. In 2009, 1595 children were paralyzed in 24 countries. Now through the consistent efforts of Rotary, Polio has been eradicated from all the countries except-the following Four countries which remain endemic:, Pakistan Afghanistan. India, and Nigeria (P A I N). Therefore polio eradication sits at a critical juncture. Across Africa, 10 of the 15 previously polio-free countries re-infected in 2009 have successfully stopped their outbreaks. Key endemic countries are witnessing historic gains against the disease. Nowhere is progress more evident than Nigeria, where case numbers have plummeted by more than 99% – from 312 cases at this time last year, to three in 2010. In India, for the first time ever, the remaining endemic states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have not reported any wild poliovirus type 1 cases concurrently for more than six months. But the task is far from over. Until the last child is free from polio, we cannot rest. The risk of not stopping polio in endemic countries was made clear when a large type-1 outbreak originally from India spread to Tajikistan early in 2010 where, to date, it hasparalyzed 239 children. Tajikistan had been polio-free since 1997. This highlights theurgency of capitalizing on recent gains made in the polio-endemic countries. The new plan builds on major lessons learnt to date, including findings from a major independent evaluation examining the remaining barriers to eradication. . The success of this plan now hinges on implementation of activities at field level and the provision of adequate financing. Partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative are examining every possible option to seek fresh funding while managing existing cash flow to limit any threat to the immunization plan. Rotary is giving “THE FINAL PUSH ” to eradicate Polio from the face of the Earth for thefact No Child is free from Polio till Every child is free from Polio. Rotary has been appealing to Corporate’s like yours to extend your hand through generous contributions for the Polio Eradication Program. Mr. Bill Gates through Melinda Gates Foundation has contributed 355 Million US Dollars and many such big hearted Corporate’s worldwide. However there is still a big shortfall of financial resources to once for all eradicate the dreaded disease from the Face of the earth. We appeal to your esteemed company to be part of the noble cause of Eradicating the dreaded Polio from the earth and save the our children for ever from this crippling Disease. Rotary International District 3230, is organizing a music program as a SPV to raise funds for Polio Eradication Fund at the Madras University Centenary Auditorium on 4th September 2010.The details are enclosed in the attached brochure for your Kind reference. We appeal to your esteemed company to be a major Sponsor of this program and be part of The “End Polio Now” Endeavour . We will be also doing wide publicity through media and others channels of communication. The entire program is also being taken for telecast in a TV channel. We expect more than 4500 Rotarian families and well-wishers to be present for the show. On behalf of the Rotary District 3230, I invite you to be part of this mammoth social revolution and to play a key role in shaping a healthy and polio free India. I sincerely believe that by working together, we can augur positive transformational change and make the world a better place to live and work. Should you wish to be part of this change that we want to see, please let us know a time and date, for me and my team to meet you to take this forward as appropriate. Rtn G.Olivannan District Governer, Emerald Publishers, 15 A,1st floor, Casa Major Road, Egmaor, Chennai-600008

Date: 09/04/2010
Location: Centenary building Madras university,chepauk, Triplicane Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600 005
Time: 6:30 pm

Web: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=132822820091265
Email: dfrc@gmail.com

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