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Boston Sargam - Bollywood Music & Dance Competition and Grand Mela
Tickets can also be purchased from following store:
India Food and Gifts
264 Boston Turnpike Road
Shrewsbury, MA 01545
Phone: 508-755-5632
Entry ticket for Mela is only $3.00
(Available only at the registration desk on October 30th at Littleton Performing Arts Center, Littleton High School, 56 King Street, Littleton, MA 01460)

Music & Dance Competition

Taking Entries in following categories:
Solo Song | Solo Dance | Group Dance

Grand Boston Sargam MELA
Boston SARGAM Mela activities will be held to promote art & craft style exhibitions where children and adults can enjoy the spirit and magic of our South Asian culture. Booths of handicrafts, henna, trinkets, eatables, etc. all organized with great enthusiasm for your indulgence.


Date: 10/30/2010
Location: Littleton performing Center, Littleton, MA
Time: 2:00 pm

Cost: General Admission: $3.00 Auditorium Admission: Starts from $10

Food: Snacks and buffet dinner will be provided at a nominal price

Contact: Swathi Subramanian 617.905.4305
Tej Singh: 603.233.2995

Web: www.bostonsargam.org
Email: info@bostonsargam.org

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