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Shiva Shakti - Dance Ballet
Classical dance ballet by dance exponents from India.

Shri Vaibhav Arekar & Shriamati Sunanda Nair

Sunanda Nair : Sunanda Nair is a leading exponent of Mohiniyattam or Mohini Attam (an Indian classical dance form) and one of the few performers of this style of dance form. She was born in Mumbai. Sunanda is the disciple of noted Mohini Attam exponent Padmashree Dr.(Smt) Kanak Rele.

Vaibhav Arekar: Vaibhav Arekar is an exponent of Bharata Natyam. He belongs to the new generation of intense dance artists, whose art and life is guided by the vision of promoting, producing and projecting Indian classical dance as a contemporaneous art.

Date: 05/09/2010
Location: Chinmaya Maruti Center, 1 Union Street, Andover, MA
Time: 5:30 pm

Cost: $15 and $20

Contact: Neha Parikh 603.546.5480

Email: neha_parikh49@yahoo.com

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