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AASAI Projects Benefit Concert
Mr. Vishnu Kannabiran will be the featured artist for this concert. Vishnu Kannabiran is a student of Smt. Tara Anand. Vishnu has also had additional training in music from renowned musicians from India such as Sri Sampath Kumar of Hyderabad Brothers, T.R.Subramaniam, Lalgudi Vijayalakshmi and Gopalakrishnan Srikanth. This 23 year old medical student is also an accomplished performer on percussion instruments as well as Western Classical Violin. Vishnu plans to sing a number of songs in a range of Indian languages including Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada and Marathi. The concert will include brief descriptions of the songs, their meaning and the melody (Raga).

Renowned local artists will accompany Vishnu: Dr. K.V.S. Vinay on Violin and Mr. Mahalingam Santhanakrishnan on Mridhangam (Percussion).

Date: 10/31/2009
Location: The Sanctuary at the First Parish, Lexington, MA
Time: 4:30 pm

Cost: Suggested Donation: $25 per person or $50 per family (Add $10 per person for dinner). All contributions are payable to AASAI.

Web: WWW.AASAI.org

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1.Coorection to Commute Directions -1/0-/2009 
2.Also Performing on the Kanjira -1/0-/2009 
3.Commute Directions -1/0-/2009 
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