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Bhopal-Natyam: A dance tribute to human resilience is a fundraiser being organized by the Boston Coalition for Justice in Bhopal. The show will be on September 18th from 6 to 9 pm in the Little Kresge Auditorium in MIT. The event will showcase vibrant and effusive Indian classical dance performances by six leading dance schools from the New England area. This fundraiser is being organized in dedication to the 25th anniversary of the worlds worst chemical disaster, which took place in Bhopal, India. There will be refreshments and merchandise(Shirts, Books etc) for sale. For more information about our group, our cause and the Bhopal Chemical Disaster, please visit the following websites: www.boston4bhopal.org ; www.bhopal.net; www.bhopal.org, www.bhopalnatyam.org

Date: 09/18/2009
Time: 6:00 pm

Organized By: Boston for Bhopal

Cost: Early Bird Tickets - Till Sept 4th: $12 General; $10 Students; Post Sept 4th $15 General ; $10 Students

Food: Indian Snacks $5.00

Contact: Srikant Sarangi 610-733-5306

Web: www.bhopalnatyam.org
Email: sarangi.srikant@gmail.com
Directions: 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139

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