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Thriving with Yoga: Free Classes for People Living with Cancer
We invite people with a present or past diagnosis of cancer, all ages and fitness levels, to join us for FREE yoga classes. Yoga has the potential to: · restore range of motion · rebuild strength and stamina - relieve tension, fatigue and anxiety · bring a sense of calm · strengthen our sense of well-being · control pain and discomfort - help witness emotion with self-compassion · add to our social support network Classes include gentle Hatha postures with appropriate adjustments, Pranayam (powerful breathing exercises), Yoga Nidra (special relaxation techniques) and Hasya (laughter) yoga.

Date: 12/13/2007
Location: Education Center at A Market Natural foods
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Organized By: YogaCaps, Inc.

Cost: Free

Contact: Ajay and Terry

Web: http://www.yogacaps.net/thriving.html
Email: info@yogacaps.org
Directions: 575 South Willow Street, Manchester, NH

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