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Malladi Brothers / Natyanjali
New England Hindu Temple Inc.
117 Waverly Street, Ashland, MA 01721
phone: 508 881 5775 www.srilakshmi.org fax: 508 881 6401

Please note change of venue NEHTI committee on Youth Cultural and Educational program reaches out to next generation to promote cultural activities in New England Area and is proud to present a dual treat for the community, on 26th October, 2007 at
Woodrow Wilson Elementary School at 169 Leland st, Framingham, MA 01702
Event Opens with a Bharathanatyam by MIT Natya followed by grand vocal concert Malladi brothers accompanied by Sri Emabar Krishanan on violin and Sri Neyveli Narayanan on Mridangam.

Natyanjali By
Amrita Saigal, Samiksha Nayak, Shriddha Nayak, Renuka Ramanathan, Jayanthi Jayakumar, Chandni Valiathan, Priya Ramaswamy, Mohini Jhangi
(Students of MIT)

Grand Vocal Concert By Malladi Brothers
Accompanied by Sri Emabar Krishanan on violin and Sri Neyveli Narayanan on Mridangam.

Proceeds of the event will go towards funding activities of NEHTI YCEP including scholarships to students

Date: 10/26/2007
Location: Woodrow Wilson Elementary School
169 Leland St Framingham, MA 01702
Time: 06:30 pm - 10:00 pm

Cost: Patrons $50
Sponsors $25
Co-Sponsors $15
Free admissions for children 10 & Under
Children 11 years - 16 years $10

Food: Food available at nominal cost.

Contact: Limited Seating (200 Seats) . Please purchase the tickets in advance at Sri Lakshmi temple office. Phone 508-881-5775

Web: www.srilakshmi.org
Email: nehti_ycep@yahoo.com

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