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Focus on Wholeness
We are pleased to be offering a weekend program with Babaji this Fall in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire at Coppertoppe Inn & Retreat Center, Hebron, NH. Coppertoppe overlooks scenic Newfound Lake and is surrounded by beautiful views, pathways and gardens. This scenic and secluded setting is perfect for an intimate weekend in Babaji’s company to focus on our connection with our deep self, our wholeness.

The weekend will include satsang, meditation, yoga, kirtan (devotional chanting) and time for self-reflection and rest. Each participant will have an opportunity to spend time with Babaji individually.


Continuing the ancient mystical lineage of the Aghor Seat of Varanasi, India, Baba Harihar Ramji (Babaji) is the perfect bridge between the ancient and modern world. The teachings of this safe-guarded lineage have never been so accessible before. Babaji’s teachings are deeply rooted in ancient wisdom yet practical for this day and age. He speaks a language that a person facing today’s challenges can comprehend and assimilate in his or her life. Baba says, “Spirituality is not a mystery.” It is the inherent nature of each individual to live a life of peacefulness and virtue.

While living in the company of his Guru, Aghoreshwar Bhagwan Ram, Babaji experienced and realized the Oneness of All. After receiving his Guru’s grace, he was given the task of bringing the teachings of the Aghor to the West by establishing centers of peace and stillness in different parts of the world.

In 1990 Babaji established the first center, the Aghor Ashram in Sonoma, Ca, which is also known as an “Oasis of Stillness”. The Ashram offers weekend programs through the year, and is open to all for visits. Many find it meaningful to come for personal retreats and extended stays. There are various centers influenced by Babaji’s teachings and are functioning in the US and Europe.

Babaji has authored several books, all focusing on ways to live a meaningful life.

Babaji’s main teaching is to inspire each individual to incorporate a simple daily practice into one’s life to acknowledge one’s wholeness or connection with wholeness, and to be of service in the world. With the help and support of people who have been touched by his teachings, Babaji initiated a school for street children in India. There are four hundred students being educated today. Babaji also established Bal Ashram, a safe home for orphaned children, in the holy city of Varanasi, India, where volunteers from abroad can go and be of service. Babaji spends time at Bal Ashram twice a year with a group of his students and friends who wish to have a true experience of the rich culture and spirituality of India. Bal Ashram is proving to be a perfect model for blending two cultures and raising a generation of youth with global awareness and values.

Babaji is very accessible and is always concerned with the well being of others. He embodies peace and there is an aura of peace all around him.

Date: 10/05/2007
Location: Coppertoppe Inn & Retreat Center, Hebron, NH
Time: Oct. 5 - Oct. 7

Cost: $300

Contact: 603-767-8398

Web: www.sonomaashram.org
Email: amtorok@yahoo.com

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