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A Story and A Song
Aparna Sindhoor Dance Theater Presents A Story and A Song Boston Premiere: Fri & Sat July 20, 21, 27, 28. 8pm Boston University Dance Theater (915 Commonwealth Ave. handicap accessible) Tickets: $20 & $15 (Students, artists and seniors) For tickets: 1-866-811-4111 or www.theatermania.com or www.navarasa.org Inspired by Kannada folklore, Native American stories and narratives from contemporary women, A Story and A Song is a tale of women, environment, sensuality and love. Critics in India have called Sindhoor’s choreography for A Story and A Song, “breathtaking!” “rare, relevant and romantic” and “seductive” Choreography & Direction Aparna Sindhoor Concept and Script S.M. Raju Performance Aparna Sindhoor, Anil Natyaveda & Pratheesh Sivanandan Directions: http://fitrec.bu.edu/programs/dance/documents/map.pdf Partially funded by Ford Foundation, India, Chahara Foundation and Boston Women's Fund

Date: 07/27/2007
Location: Boston University Dance Theater (915 Commonwealth Ave. handicap accessible)
Time: 8:00 pm

Cost: $15 and $20

Contact: For tickets: 1-866-811-4111 or www.theatermania.com or www.navarasa.org

Web: http://www.navarasa.org
Email: navarasa@yahoo.com
Directions: http://fitrec.bu.edu/programs/dance/documents/map.pdf

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