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ISW Panel Discussion: Protect Yourself And Your Children
It is estimated that over 35 million children in the US have access to the Internet. In a connected world, kids can learn of distant cultures and cutting edge ideas while making friends around the world. With this freedom parents are also faced with a new set of issues ranging from cyber-bullying, to internet stalking; from rogue viruses that threaten to hijack your systems to online fraud and identity thieves. How can you protect yourself and your family from these online assaults? What are some of the simple steps to keep your self and your systems safe?

We have brought together a panel of experts from the Education, law enforcement and IT fields that will help you cut through the confusion and answer your questions.


Adam Winter, President Swiftec IT, Inc.
Ellen Miller, District Attorney Joseph Early Jr.'s Office
And others to be finalized

Date: 07/27/2007
Location: India Center, Shrewsbury, MA
Time: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Cost: Free

Web: www.iswonline.org

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