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Illusion - film screening
"What if I could do my life over again?" This is the searching question at the heart of ILLUSION, the award winning film starring legendary actor Kirk Douglas in the role of his lifetime. A once powerful, but now ailing, film director is visited by the ghost of a dear, departed friend. He plays movie scenes from the director's life (called the Akashic records), convincing him of the need to set things right after a lifetime of rejecting his only son. Will he receive the gift of redemption? There is a love that stops time. Affecting and intense, this feature will have you on the edge of your seats! Written and directed by Michael Goorjian. Please RSVP to info@yogacaps.org so that we plan plenty of food :)

Date: 06/30/2007
Location: YogaCaps, Inc.
Time: 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Organized By: YogaCaps, Inc.

Cost: $5 donation for nonprofit

Food: Indian, veg

Contact: Ajay & Terry Gupta at 603-670-0302

Web: www.yogacaps.org
Directions: Merrimack, NH

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