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The Art and Culture of India
Artist Demonstration | Madhubani Painting and Rangoli Atrium | 11 am – 4 pm See March 10 entry. Drop-In Art Activities| Parchisi and Block Printing 1 –3 pm | Art Studios See March 10 entry. Dance Demonstration | Bharatanatyam Dance 1 pm | Atrium Dancers perform in the bharatanatyam style of dance, a two-thousand year old classical dance for South India that combines dance with theater and storytelling. After, learn a few steps for yourself! Performance | The Mahabharata 2 pm | East India Marine Hall Reservations required by Thursday, March 8, 2007. Please call 978-745- 9500, ext 3011. Appropriate for all ages. Community performance group Khel Mel explores the fables of the Mahabharata. Films Explore Indian art, culture, and history through film. Reservations suggested by Thursday, March 8, 2007. Please call 978-745-9500, ext 3011. The Maharajah Burger 12:30 pm (50 minutes) This documentary takes a wry look at the cultural confrontation of East and West, as reflected in attitudes towards the cow. In India, the cow is revered and cared for well beyond its prime. We see a hospice where cows spend their last days in comfort. When MacDonalds opened up in New Delhi, featuring the Maharajah Burger, there was outrage at this affront. To many Indians it is a symbol of Western cultural imperialism – Western greed undermining traditional values in India. One elderly maharajah hopefully observes that the Indian culture has survived thousands of years and will not succumb to this latest onslaught. The Temple of Doom 1:45 pm (49 minutes) The film examines the complex relationship between India’s Muslim population and fundamentalist Hindus, who lived harmoniously in the city of Ayodhya for centuries. A contemporary conflict, however, could continue to bring bloodshed. Violence that erupted in the late winter of 2002 in northern India left 600 people dead and hundreds of Muslim homes in ashes. The Laughing Club of India 3 pm | Directed by Mira Nair (35 minutes) Award-winning director Mira Nair has created a compassionate, sometimes ironic portrait of a number of

Date: 03/11/2007
Location: PEM, Salem, MA
Time: 11:00 am

Web: www.pem.org

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