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Unquiet Epics - Bharatanatyam Performance
Unquiet Epics: a new conceptual choreography based on the grand epic The Mahabharata will premiere in the Atrium space of the Peabody Essex Museum, Salem MA on Sunday, March 11th 2007 at 3:45pm.

Unquiet Epics distils the subtle messages of The Mahabharata: a magnificent work of Sanskrit literature, into five vignettes representing the struggle of five senses of the human condition (metaphorically, the Pandavas) against one hundred desires of the world (metaphorically, the Kauravas).

Unquiet Epics is a collaborative work between Sudarshan Belasare with a Boston-based Bharatanatyam and modern dancer Gayathri Arumugham. The piece is accompanied live by musicians.

Date: 03/11/2007
Location: Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA
Time: 3:45 pm

Web: www.pem.org

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