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Miraculous Intervention!!!
Dear Devotees, Come and hear from the mouths of the respected ones, the shakti and mystery of Mata Saraswati. You are invited to listen to the story of Don and Sherry about events that have been unfolding here at Saraswati Mandiram. Come and bear witness to this powerful and miraculous story designed by Providence to uplift this Mandir and the community that it supports. These people would love to share their experiences and conviction with our community. We have had no prior interactions with them until the day of the auction. They would love to have your input in their decision-making process in the temple and to make this Mandir a viable, dynamic and progressive institution originally envisioned. You are invited to have lunch with these Guardian Angels On Sunday December 17, 2006 @ 12:00 Noon. Mother Saraswati has sent these people at the moment of need. We would like you to attend this meeting for the sake of the future of this Mandir, so that these people will have a general consensus of how to proceed in preserving this Mandir. Mother Saraswati is here, her presence is here and as her devotees we would like you to help her stay here. Bring your family and friends along!!! Saraswati Mata Ki Jai Ho!

Date: 12/17/2006
Location: Saraswati Mandiram
Time: 12:00 Noon

Contact: Saraswati Mandiram: 603-679-1126

Web: www.saraswatimandiram.org
Email: saraswati_mandiram@yahoo.com

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