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Yogic Suksham Vyayam (subtle yoga)
Yogic Suksham Vyayam (YSV), or Subtle Yoga, allows us to experience yoga as practiced by Yogis in the Himalayas. These yogic warm-ups from India very subtly and gently rejuvenate all organs of the body from tip to toes. They are scientific exercises that not only make us strong and supple, but also help remove impurities from our bodies and improve the memory, concentration and will-power. YSV can be done by persons of most ages and abilities. It is performed in a standing position (while it may be adapted to a chair) and does not require a yoga mat.

Date: 10/11/2006
Location: Merrimack, NH
Time: 9:00 am

Organized By: YogaCaps, Inc.

Cost: $10

Contact: Jay and Terry Gupta

Web: www.yogacaps.org
Email: jay@yogacaps.org

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