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A Gujarati musical Evening with Rasbihari and Vibha Desai
A Gujarati musical Evening with
Rasbihari and Vibha Desai
- Sandeep Swadia on Tabla

Rasbhai, as he is often affectionately called, symbolises a rare but pleasant fusion of art and intellect. The professor and Head of the Physics Department at Bhavan's College, Ahmedabad, he effortlessly became the founder and hon. secretary of the famous

Date: 10/06/2006
Location: St Matthews United Methodist Church
435 Central St, Acton, MA 01720
Time: 8:00 pm

Cost: $15

Contact: Pallavi Gandhi 978.264.0039

Email: pallavigandhi@yahoo.com
Directions: From 128 / Take Rt. 2 West / Take exit 41 for Newtown Rd/W. Acton/Littleton / Go left off the ramp / Go right off the ramp if driving from 495 to 2 East exit 41) for 1/2 mile; From Rt. 27 : Go up to the center of town, head West on Newtown road / go about 3 miles; and after the Rt. 2 overpass, St. Matthew’s Church will be on the left within 1/2 mile

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