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Sitar Maestro - Pundit Subroto Roy Chowdhury / Brown University
Department of Religious Studies at Brown University and Raagmaala present a Master Sitar player in Concert. Sri Subroto studied with the legendary musicians – Bimal Bose, Radhika Mohan Moitra and Nasir Aminuddin Dagar to name a few. He has performed globally in Jazz Festivals and on Radio and television. Shri Nitin Mitta represents the famous Farrukhabad Tabla Tradition. He has performed with many eminent musicians of India. www.subroto-sitar.de / www.nitinmitta.org The concert is cosponsored by Indian restaurants of RI, "Kabob-n-Curry" and "Rasoi".

Date: 09/10/2006
Location: Salomon Hall on Brown Campus
Time: 4:00 pm

Organized By: Raagmaala

Cost: Students with ID: Advance $5 / at the door $7. General admission $17 and couple $30

Contact: Arun 401-433-1409

Email: Raagmaala@gmail.com
Directions: From 95 N/S take exit 20 (195 East). Take exit 2 (Wickenden Street). At the bottom take a left and again a left at the first light. You are on Benefit Street. Drive 6th of a mile and take a right onto Waterman Street. Go through the first intersection. The hall is on the right at the junction of Brown and Waternmn Streets. Please allow time for parking.

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