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Ganapathi Tharpanams and Lalitha Sahasranama Homam
Once in a lifetime opportunity for Performing Ganapathi Tharpanams and Lalitha Sahasranama Homam in the middle of the sea, on a remote island.

Soundarya Lahari

Invites you all to participate in this unique full day event Ganapathi Tharpanams and Lalitha Sahasra Nama Homam in Lovell’s Isalnd!!

As per the Sastras any ritual performed in the middle of ocean bestows immense benefits upon the devotees. Performing 444 Ganapathi Tharpanams with Ganapathi Mantra during Ganapathi Navarathri and doing Ganesh Nimajjanam in the sea will remove all obstacles and fulfills both materialistic and spiritual desires!!

Reciting Lalitha Sahasra Nama and joining in the Lalitha Homam in an island is a lifetime opportunity that will bring prosperity to the families and Sowbhagyam to the Ladies!

7.15AM:Start by Cruise from Quincy
9.30AM:Ganapathi Tharpanams
10.00AM: Lalitha Sahasra Nama Homam
12.00Noon:Ganesha Nimajjanam
(Immersion of Ganesha Icon in sea)
1.00PM: Prasadam
4.00PM: Lalitha Sthothrams , Bhajans and Music
5.30PM: Return journey back to Qunicy

Date: 09/02/2006
Location: Cruise from Quincy
Time: 7:00 am

Cost: $25 per person. Children below 3 are free

Contact: Usha Kompella at 781.688.0259

Email: srichakra9@yahoo.com

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